I am currently the academic program coordinator for Mathematics Education Leadership in the College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University.
I currently chair or serve on dissertation committees for doctoral students in Mathematics Education Leadership as well as students in other disciplines with an interest in mathematics education.
During my time here, I have taught the following courses.
Ph.D. Program in Mathematics Education Leadership
EDCI 855: Mathematics Education Research on Teaching and Learning
EDCI 856: Mathematics Education Curriculum Design and Evaluation
EDCI 857: Preparation and Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers
EDCI 726: State and Local Leadership Issues in Mathematics Education
EDCI 727: National and International Issues in Mathematics Education
Master’s Program for Mathematics Specialist Leaders
EDCI 644: Learning and Assessment in Mathematics Education
EDCI 645: Curriculum Development in Mathematics Education
EDCI 646: School Change in Mathematics Education (online)
EDCI 666: Research in Mathematics Teaching
EDCI 702: Internship in Mathematics Education (hybrid online course)
MATH 612: Probability and Statistics for K-8 Teachers
EDLE 791: Internship in Education Leadership (now EDCI 702)
Master’s Program in Secondary Education
EDCI 572: Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics
EDCI 672: Advanced Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics